Aparte de entradas meancólicas, mi blogspot está lleno de quizzes y demases(?), get use to it
A- Favorite ARTIST: a couple
B- Favorite BAND: Mcfly
C- Best CONCERT you attended: NEVER BEEN in a kick ass concert
D- Favorite DUET: ashamed to say TYV, don't deny it, for me they're a duet
E- Most EMBARASSING cd you’ve owned: Generación Pop
F- FIRST record, tape or cd you remember buying: BRITNEY SPEARS: one more time! same here
G- Do you own any band GEAR or shirts? nah
H- Are you HAPPY with the current music scene? mmm
I- Do you play any INSTRUMENTS? oh, mmm, just some notes on the guitar
J- Are you JUDGED based on your music taste? obviously
K- Have you ever sang KARAOKE? NO
L- What genre of music do you LIKE best? different music; there you got.
M- Ever been in a MOSH pit? NO
N- NAME your favorite song: thousands
O- Most OVERRATED band or singer: Jbos
P- Ever have backstage PASSES? NO.
Q- Do your friends QUESTION your taste in music? NO
R- What are you listening to RIGHT now? NOTHING
S- Favorite SINGER of all time: Jaci Velasquez, liked her music since I was 9
T- What do you think of TECHNO music? don't mind
U- Do you USUALLY sing in the shower? SURE.
V- What was your VERY first concert attended? Hillsong's xD
W- What concert do you WISH to attend in the future? Panic!'s
X- What song makes you (e)XCITED? Naturally by Selena Gomez, guilty pleasure
Y- Are YOU a member of any fan clubs? NO
Z- Which music genre do you wish you could ZAP from existance? Cumbia