There wasn't nothing left to do, everything was going down. "What now?" She said "I can't breath, but I'll be OK, It hurts, but I'll be fine" All alone. Pouring everywhere. His face. That sad face. It wasn't gonna be easy to forget, Oh I've seen it in all its possible ways.
A month from that, the whole world seemed black, no way to go. Wasn't a suicide stuff but deffinitelly a don't-wanna-live-anymore thing.
I DO hate upside downs of life.
1 am . Standing in the bus stop.
Nothing had change
Someone came walking towards me, he was holding a skate board . "Our Father,who art in Heaven, hallowed by Thy name..." .
We shared a glance for a sec & he stand behind me; my heart was about to explode of fear "Stay quiet, if he atacks you, kick his balls".
15 mins left.
Where the hell the bus are on earth? Sometimes they can be late, so damn late.
I saw a light at the end of the street. "Oh finally the bus". I was shocked that the boy didn't even ask me anything, he just stand behind me, "I guess he needs to take this bus, too" . I took it. He did. I sat at the bottom of the vehicule; he didn't sit "WTF?"; was standing so hot, with his right hand in his jeans pocket & the left one holding the board.
Skater boy what a familiar face, those lips & eyes....