Well I just arrived home after seeing live the local version of Next to Normal, and I liked it. Like cool, cool, but not so much.
Anyway, they bring real troubles we all go through life, when we lose someone, my fave moment in the whole play: that we must face our fears. "It's ok to not be perfect" but at some point the seat was just to small for me and I cannot wait util the day I''m gonna be on stage performing.
Sadly, my last months are being so unbearable, like dude, I'm so done of having these thoughts in my head. I need to be free. I need to live. And I know at some point I'm gonna let these structures out of my head, but I need them to leave my soul before I get drown in tears and regrets at my 40's.
The whole cast was awesome, and their voices were just overwhelming; I'm so proud of how much talent we have in our country.
My only wish by now, is being mentally free so I can reach my dreams and goals without regreting every step I take, because that's not living, man.