Don't ask me for good decisions being this weak.
Just don't.
Don't ask me for good decisions being this weak.
"Matt, stop being so nice to me. I don't deserve it. Do you know what kind of person I am now, I mean - do you know who I am right now? I don't have any real friends. I did something bad with a married guy. I don't talk to my mom and dad. I'm not a nice person. And the thing is - I'm not 13 anymore"
I might be ok, but I'm not fine at all
Dejar que el ego se te suba a la cabeza te convierte en una persona terca, ignorante, creída, cruda, superficial, un momento de la vida donde recibis todo lo que en la vida no pudiste tener, donde crees que tenes todo el mundo a tus pies y por ende tratas a todos como tal.
All I wanna say is that I'm proud of myself, and all these things I overcame this year ♥
I'm beyond fragile, play one more time with me and I will not be able to love sincerely someone, someday.
Sometimes, I think "it would be fun to have a heartbreak again" and then my other self's like "you were trying to get over somebody for 4 years, are you serious?!"
It's so dissapointing how nothing turn out the way I expected, it's like those things it's getting further and further from me.
"This is so wrong but “Drowning” by BSB reminds me so much of God’s love and my relationship with Him". - (@youcarriedme)
You just have no idea how my two egos are battling inside. And the massive fear when I'm doing this.
Natalia version one: sweetheart, kind, lovely, daydreamer, believe in dreams, prince charming and fairytales, has faith and future goals:
why do I enjoy doing this?
This may seems like an unconscious revenge or something?
Ay, me hubiese gustado ahorrarme todo esto, si no hubiese decidido lo que decidì, pero me enfrento a eso porque te admiro, amo y no sé vivir sin vos, querido arte.
"Las mujeres pueden ser muy crueles". No se quejen, ustedes nos convirtieron en esto.